Posts Tagged "submission"

Reader Response: On Marriage, Gender Roles, Submission, Scripture, God’s Sovereignty & Grace

One of the most popular and controversial posts on my little blog is Lowly Woman: Cook, Clean, Make Babies & SUBMIT to Your Husband.

Tonight, the post received a comment that I really appreciated. I really enjoy interacting with my few readers!

I started writing an email response to him, but it got pretty long so I thought I would just publish it as a blog post. In order to full appreciate the context, you might want to read the complete referenced post.

“Brandon” submitted the following comment:

Hi, this is in response to your post: “Lowly Woman: Cook, Clean, Make Babies & SUBMIT to Your Husband“. My wife, we are both new too our faith, has taken the scriptures on a wife’s role distressingly. There have been many times when she comes to me in tears and we seem unable to find “adequate” answers through praying or other knowledgeable Christians.

Her biggest issue is why God declares that women can’t be spiritual leaders like pastors in a church and why did He deem that only men should have leadership roles? Honestly, it is a bit unsettling for me as well. I try to tell her and myself that it has nothing to do with superiority but I guess we are still blinded by our human perceptions of pride and worth.

If you have any input on this it would be much appreciated. Thank you.

First of all, Brandon… thank you for writing!! I really appreciate your thoughts, honesty, and the desires in your message. I sense a real “seeker’s heart”. Thirst for God’s truth is awesome.

I hope this is not too disappointing, but I will not have a magical cohesive and conclusive answer for you. However, I am humbled to share some of the thoughts and considerations. Some of the thoughts below may seem like “cop outs”… but, I don’t think they are….

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Devotional: For Better or Worse, In Health & If Handicapped – A Love Story Excerpt

I read the selection below in James Merritt’s How to Be a Winner and Influence Anybody: The Fruit of the Spirit as the Essence of Leadership.  Merritt actually excerpted the passage from David Ireland’s book Letters to an Unborn Child. Ireland had a debilitating neurological disease that confined him to a wheelchair. He knew he might never have the opportunity to enjoy a relationship with or see his unborn child grow up, so he wrote a book with letters to the unborn child.

God desires to change our hearts and reveal his beauty, love, and sacrifice to us more than he seeks to use his God-magic-wand to change the circumstances. […]

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Lowly Woman: Cook, Clean, Make Babies & SUBMIT to Your Husband

Pardon the ridiculous title, but I bet we gotcha readin’ didn’t we? Yes folks, we used the “S” word… today we are going to take a few moments to explore the frightful topic of “marital submission”. What is the Bible’s CORE message about submission? What does submission actually look like within a Christian marriage?

“Submit” is really just a sensationally saucy word for “serve” […]

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The Dream Team: Being Irrefutably & Joyfully United in Your Marriage

We had a wonderful discussion at bible study / small group last night that I definitely want to share with all of you. This simple analogy may seem a bit macho, but I assure you it is powerful and can transform how you relate, live, and communicate with your spouse.

Consider how your approach to so many aspects of your marriage would change if you looked at your marriage as a truly united and cohesive TEAM.

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A Prayer for My Lovely Wife

Dear Precious and Perfect Heavenly Father, Thank for blessing me with such an amazing wife who I deeply cherish and desire. Please physically protect her as she pursues her work for the day. Watch...

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