
Humble Servant Friend & Warrior Commander King

In a recent small group we read through passages of scripture about Jesus from John and Revelation. There are two very interesting, compelling, and overwhelmingly important description of Jesus. When he first came… he came as a humble, servant and friend. In the second coming… He will come in in glory as the undisputed Warrior King Commander. He is the same Jesus in both passages.

I don’t feel led to try and write much about this to “set it up”. Jesus speaks for Himself in word and action…

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“Missions Exist Because Worship Doesn’t…” Two Teaching Approaches: Old White Guy & Young Black Dude

This post will not contain much original content.  The characterization of “old white” and “young black” is not about condescension, racism, or anything like that whatsoever. So if you think there is any sinister motivation here… shut it and chill. There’s not. If Michael Jackson taught us anything… it doesn’t matter if you’re black or white.

The purpose of this post is to celebrate how the beautiful gospel can be preached and taught in widely varying ways and contexts. Another purpose of this post is to explore this idea by me asking questions for your contemplation. I also hope to expose my readership to a different context and the idea of contextualization.

Believe it or not… this is Part 1 of 2! There is another awesome specific correlation between John Piper and Lecrae’s worship and teaching.

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Reader Response: On Marriage, Gender Roles, Submission, Scripture, God’s Sovereignty & Grace

One of the most popular and controversial posts on my little blog is Lowly Woman: Cook, Clean, Make Babies & SUBMIT to Your Husband.

Tonight, the post received a comment that I really appreciated. I really enjoy interacting with my few readers!

I started writing an email response to him, but it got pretty long so I thought I would just publish it as a blog post. In order to full appreciate the context, you might want to read the complete referenced post.

“Brandon” submitted the following comment:

Hi, this is in response to your post: “Lowly Woman: Cook, Clean, Make Babies & SUBMIT to Your Husband“. My wife, we are both new too our faith, has taken the scriptures on a wife’s role distressingly. There have been many times when she comes to me in tears and we seem unable to find “adequate” answers through praying or other knowledgeable Christians.

Her biggest issue is why God declares that women can’t be spiritual leaders like pastors in a church and why did He deem that only men should have leadership roles? Honestly, it is a bit unsettling for me as well. I try to tell her and myself that it has nothing to do with superiority but I guess we are still blinded by our human perceptions of pride and worth.

If you have any input on this it would be much appreciated. Thank you.

First of all, Brandon… thank you for writing!! I really appreciate your thoughts, honesty, and the desires in your message. I sense a real “seeker’s heart”. Thirst for God’s truth is awesome.

I hope this is not too disappointing, but I will not have a magical cohesive and conclusive answer for you. However, I am humbled to share some of the thoughts and considerations. Some of the thoughts below may seem like “cop outs”… but, I don’t think they are….

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The Prodigal Son: Rebellion & Religion and the Need for Repentance & Redemption [Mark Driscoll]

I recently listened to a lecture by Mark Driscoll from 2011 to the students of New Saint Andrews College.

This teaching blew my mind and heart in many regards. It was the most heart-opening teaching on the Prodigal Son that I have ever heard.

Truthfully, this is now the 4th time I have listened to the lecture. I wanted the words to be emblazoned in my mind and heart, so I typed notes from the lecture for this blog post. I definitely want to encourage you to watch it, as the video teaching is much more dynamic than my text notes.

I am definitely challenged on many fronts with this lecture… but I am most penetrated by the following:

  • The ultimate goal is not learning more … but for heart transformation so we can glorify God and more people can come to know his saving Grace through Christ… because of Him changing us.
  • The life of a Christian is one of repentance. This seems to be resonating in my mind like a distant gong.
  • Religious Christians counter the sin of religion by intentionally seeking relationships with lost people. I desperately need to get out of my bubble.

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Contrast & Comparison: The Birth of an 8 Pound 6 Ounce Baby Jesus

It is definitely interesting how being a dad has changed my perspectives on life, the world, and scripture. Today, the Christmas story from Matthew and Luke was illuminated to me in a completely new and wildly unexpected way.

My heart was awakened as we sang the classic carol “O’ Holy Night”. I started picturing the classic nativity scene. Then, the Christmas sermon our pastor delivered recounted the birth of Christ… comparing the evil tyrant King Herod, with the loving, humble, powerful King Jesus.

During church, I started reflecting on my wife’s pregnancy and the birth of our son. During my reflection, I started comparing and contrasting our experience with the experience of Mary and Joseph as new parents of Jesus.

I assume most new Christian parents think these things… however, it is new to me. My meditation on and experience of the miracle of Christmas is profoundly different than a year ago. So, here we go…

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A Child’s Precious Understanding of Easter & The Simplicity of the Gospel

My lovely wife volunteers in the elementary-aged kids ministry at our church. Tonight, our church offered a couple special Saturday evening services to accomodate the influx of church visitors for Easter remembrance and celebration.

My wife was teaching the 4 year old kiddos about Easter and asked them, “Do you know why we celebrate Easter?”. She was fully expecting an answer about [the illogical connection between] stealth-ninja, egg-painting bunny rabbits, ultimate kaleidoscopic scavenger expeditions, and the inevitable free-range parental consent of sugar-comas.

This precious little boy said “I know! I know!” and offered a beautiful and perfectly complete answer that illustratively explains the simplicity of the Gospel…

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